You awake on a distant island trying to remember what happened. Your memory slowy returns you recall that the great portal has been taken over and you must build and army to recapture it. Your hands are cold you put them in your pocket you fell something and slowly pull a tattered piece of paper from your pocket. It's the orders of the Lother it reads. The great portal has been taken over by the orc forces. I have put Mel'tucan III (you) to work building a city outside of where the great portal supposedly is. Once the portal has been taken by us it must be destroyed. Your eyes quickly scan over the paper and you think this is like any other battle but you soon discover a note on the back. It reads " The Gul'dan, Cho'gal, and Zijuln have been feeding off the great portals powers and are stonger and more powerful than ever before." You begin to wonder if this shall be your last battle. ***MISSION*** Keep Mel'tucan III alive defeat the Gul'dan, Cho'gal, and Zijuln and destroy the great portal before its too late.